Support of Biopharma

Work has been done on using the sensor for biomarker testing as it relates to the development of drugs. The advantage of this sensor is that it gives a quicker result than PCR and can speed up the time between taking a sample and getting a result, thereby enabling more rapid drug development to occur.

Depending on the drug, samples are taken from any number of places, namely food, wash water from a food processing plant, saliva, blood or urine. The sample site is dependent on where the protein is present. For instance, the COVID-19 virus is not found in urine but is found in saliva. Understanding where the desired protein is located is an important step in developing a test for a new drug application.

The advantage of our sensor is that it produces rapid results in minutes because there isn’t a growth phase like with PCR. Our in-house studies have shown it to be over 95% accurate, it is inexpensive, and the equipment needed is both portable (the testing can be done in the field or in a lab) and easy to use.

Because PCR uses an amplification stage and PEMS does not, the PEMS sensor has a built in advantage over RNA/DNA based systems.